My mum & I were thrilled to receive development funding from the NFVF to start working on our passion project; Half a Cup.
The story involves a small family of three. Cari is the first baby; born with a disability known as Down Syndrome and Shannan is the second who is considered a ‘normal’ child.
Mum’s character, who is only ever seen as a hand, exists as a nurturing role in the story and the audience always feels this warmth and love of an energy that remains nearby throughout the film.
Shannan’s character is a sensitive, caring and creative child who drives the story. In the beginning she is unaware of any differences between her and her sister. As they grow and learn to interact socially, Shannan becomes aware of Cari’s limitations and the negative light in which her sister, Cari, is often seen. Through childhood entertainment such as animated films, comic books and a powerful imagination, Shannan develops & creates a visual world to help protect & translate certain realities in a visual language that the two children can relate to.
Mom and I are loving the process of remembering small moments as we develop the story. We had decided many years ago after Cari had passed away, to create a film about her which could be cathartic for us as well as a wonderful way to share our experiences with others. Cari had such a beautiful way of living life; she was happy, sociable, compassionate and her love was unconditional. It was a privilege to share our lives with her.
At the moment we are completing the storyboarding phase and are hoping to be in production by February 2022. You can follow our progress on instagram and Facebook (insert links here)